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PostPosted: 2011/02/03 22:18    Post subject: WOW Chapter Meeting Minutes February 2, 2011

WOW Chapter Meeting Minutes 2/2/11

I. Opening Remarks

II. Promotions: Tsuki was promoted to Master of Saints. Frad was promoted to Battle Chancellor. Lady Delph has been seated as a full voting member of the High Council.

III. Inductions to Full Saint

a. Nia
b. Trevare
c. Tiranno (Not able to be present for the ceremony)
d. Amiretta (Not able to be present for the ceremony)

IV. Novice Introduction

a. Wolf
b. Ragecurl
c. Marlador
d. Bluecheese
e. Izlyechivat (Izzy)

V. Raiding News (Frad read notes from Qordin and added some extras)

a. Successes: 2 bosses downed so far. Failures: Lots of wipes while learning strats.
b. The BC team is currently working on developing 2 ten man groups. The BC team wants everyone to know that everyone is still in a learning stage and not to get discouraged when facing multiple wipes. The goal for raiding is to have 2 ten man groups or a 25 man group raid ready on scheduled raid nights.
c. It is a continued strong suggestion that if you want to participate, make sure you know the fights, be prepared for repairs, with pots and flasks as necessary, and work on reading up on your class participation within each boss fight by viewing videos of the fights on websites such as,, and other boss fight video sources.
d. It was also suggested to view the PTR patch notes for the upcoming patch to be prepared for the changes to fights, and class abilities so you are prepared to work those changes into your raid performance.
e. It was also suggested that if you sign up for raids and need mats, don’t be afraid to ask. It would do worse for the raid success if you don’t have them so it is better to ask and receive than to go without.
f. For specific raid times the raids are scheduled for the first pull at 8PM server. That means if you are scheduled to participate make sure you are there early enough to be ready to pull at the scheduled pull time. If you find you are running late make sure to try to get in touch with a BC to let them know or they may replace you thinking you are a no show.
g. The raids have been short on tanks/heals so if you have toons that are DPS main and off spec tank/heals please try to get them raid ready in case you are needed as a tank or a healer for a specific boss fight. The BC’s need flexibility of interchangeable tanks and interchangeable healers in these raids and to have another tank/heals available can mean the difference in success or a continued wiped group.
h. It was brought up that there may be a misconception of the way STC view raid groups and if they are named or ranked in any way. The emphasis for STC is to get everyone who wants to raid or be in a heroic group a chance to do so, and do so, on a regular basis. There are no main groups or ranks of groups of any kind. Groups for raids are formed based on a person’s desire to be there, their raid readiness and the class need at the time. If your toon is a DPS and has no off spec and you sign up and there are 4 or 5 others signed up who signed up before you, your chances of going are less than if you are a tank or healer. The same goes for heroics. If a group has 3 DPS already chances are you won’t go, but that is the only reason for being left out. That is not cut in stone either since many of our members will drop sometimes to get someone else in. So our BC’s want everyone to know the best way to view groups if that everyone is eligible for any group and you can only expect to go if you let your desires known. They don’t read minds and there are no ranks of which people go first over others.
i. There was a question put forth about Gearscore. Frad answered: Gearscore for the purpose of raiding and is only used as a general guide. Frad emphasized that play ability is more important and while as an example the BC’s know that to be successful a DPS class must do a minimum of 10K DPS for a raid, that does not mean that if your play style is more of an advantage to the group for that night and your DPS is 9700, you will not go. Same goes for healers in their mana consumption management and for tanks having the ability to hold aggro, their dodge and parry skills, and ability to stay alive. The key is what group makeup is going to give the group the best chance to be successful based on previous performance of players’ ability to play their class in raids and against bosses.
j. Seerjohn brought up the subject of the ability of holy priests to use Light Wells in heals as an example of a skill that holy priests have but is not used much for whatever reason.
k. Everyone should be aware that if you need a heroic, and you have to get in one because your time for play is short or for whatever other reason, make it known so you can either get a group started or if one is forming maybe someone will be willing to drop to get you in.

VI. Events

a. Deathiness: Fishing Tournament is started for the guild fishing achievements.
i. The amount of fish once the contest is over the guild will have will produce 700 fish feasts.
ii. The contest has prizes for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place participants as well as participation awards for fish caught. See the website forum post for specifics.
iii. Please catch as many fish as you can for cataclysm and wrath fish feasts and send them to Deathiness at her alt Fullofsheep.
b. Tsuki: Semi-Annual Gnome Run is going to be held on Monday Feb 7th at 8PM server. If you want to participate check out the website forum post for specifics.
c. Penny: There will be a guild achievement run for general achievements such as old world dungeons held on Tuesday February 15th. If you want to go just show up. Check out the post in the forums on the website for specifics.
d. Penny: There is currently a survey up on the forums to help us select a date for this year's real life get together. Please visit the website and respond to the survey, even if you know you will be unable to join us.

VII. Guild Matters-Sabreth:

a. There is no release date for Star Wars: TOR, yet, but STC is planning on having a fully sanctioned chapter in the game. There will be more information forthcoming.
b. There has also been some interest in the new MMORPG- ‘Rift’ and STC is planning no chapter yet, but if there continues to be enough interest there may be a minor chapter for that game.
c. Sab wants everyone to know that it has been brought to the attention of many that STC has lost some of its old family feel due to our enormous growth the last year. He wants all of the members to make a special effort to get out with people who you may not already know and run with them a bit and get to know them. That is the way you bring one another closer together and develop that old family feel.

VIII. Guild Matters-Penny:

a. Remind everyone, due to our growth and not wanting to lose that family feel STC has decided to limit the number of Novices to 10 per month.
b. Any applications received during the month that puts STC over the 10 limit will have the person sent a wait list letter. If the person applying is someone you know please make them aware that the wait is usually short and no more than a couple of weeks and to be patient, they will get a chance at a novice period and full membership.
c. The only exception to the wait list would be for a family member of a current STC member. They would bypass the wait list and enter their novitiate immediately.

IX. Guild Matters-Gerhart:

a. Please try to get to know one another and focus on building camaraderie amongst the other members. Keep your focus on growing more together and not separate into cliques.
b. Novices, please take advantage of the knowledge of your assigned Saint Adviser in helping you get acclimated to how STC works and how best you can process into fitting in. Your SA is your pipeline to answers to your questions and although any member or officer is available to you for help, your SA has your best interest at heart and will go the extra to help you find a way to call STC your home. If you find you are assigned an SA and have a schedule conflict with game play times where you will not get to be together in game too much, send Penny or Tsuki an PM to let them know of your concerns. If they don’t know they can’t fix it.
c. Everyone please focus on doing Heroics, Raids, and group questing together. This accomplishes both building relationships within the guild but also helps build guild achievements. So when you log in ask in guild chat to get something going or respond to those who ask for participation.

X. Guild Matters:

a. There was some discussion on the guild achievement on what is needed for the cauldrons and what guild level STC has to reach for each cauldron buff. Check the forums on the website for more posts on the subject.

XI. There were no questions from the membership.

XII. Meeting closed with the march through Stormwind to the Main Gate.[/list]